B. Rap Boys at PCBdB*

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B. Rap Boys @ PCBdB.net
Manufacturer: Kaneko
Year: 1992
Genre: Scrolling Fighter
Sound: Amplified Stereo (two channel)
System: Jamma+

Orientation: Horizontal
Type: Raster: Standard Resolution
CRT: Color

Number of Players: 3
Gameplay: Joint
Joystick: 8-way
Buttons: 2


B. Rap Boys @ PCBdB.net
Three cool guys, one on a skateboard, one on a bike and one on rolerscates, beat up various enemies as they seek to defeat a crime boss and his minions. The game features sampled voices and rap music.



B. Rap Boys @ PCBdB.net B. Rap Boys @ PCBdB.net

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Created by: jamma 2007/09/10 Updated: 2007/09/10 Update history