Burger Time at PCBdB*

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Burger Time @ PCBdB.net
Manufacturer: Midway
Year: 1982
Genre: Puzzle
Sound: Amplified Mono (one channel)
System: Unique

Orientation: Vertical
Type: Raster: Standard Resolution
CRT: Color

Number of Players: 2
Gameplay: Alternating
Joystick: 4-way
Buttons: 1


Burger Time @ PCBdB.net
In BurgerTime, you play Peter Pepper, a chef who's goal is simple, make hamburgers. Of course, your job is never that easy, as with most games, you've got the enemies who are out to stop your work: Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Pickle and Mr. Egg. Your character starts out with a limited supply of pepper, which can be used like "pepper spray" to stun enemies. In all, there are six levels to be completed. The game is essentially a platform/maze game.



Burger Time @ PCBdB.net

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Created by: jamma 2007/08/29 Updated: 2007/08/29 Update history