NeoGeo Hyper 64 at PCBdB*

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NeoGeo Hyper 64 @
Manufacturer: SNK
Year: 1997
Genre: System
Sound: Amplified Stereo (two channel)
System: SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64

Orientation: Horizontal
Type: Raster: Standard Resolution
CRT: Color


NeoGeo Hyper 64 @
CPU : R4600 @ 50 MHz, 64-bit RISC chip with 4 MB RAM and 64 MB Program Memory
Sub CPU : V30 @ 8 MHz
Communications CPU : Z80 @ 12.5 MHz
Sound chip: 32-channel PCM wavetable audio, with maximum sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz (CD-quality) and 32 MB of wavetable RAM
Color Palette: 16.7 million
Maximum Colors On-Screen: 4,096
3D Branch: 96 MB Vertex Memory, 16 MB maximum Texture Memory
2D Sprite Branch: 60 frames per second animation, 128 MB Character Memory
-Main Functions: Scaling, montage, chain, mosaic, mesh, action, up/down, right/left reverse
Scrolling Branch: Up to 4 game planes, 64 MB Character Memory
-Main Functions: Scaling, revolution, morphing; horizontal/vertical screen partitioning and line scrolling


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Created by: office 2007/08/03 Updated: 2007/08/03 Update history