Arcade PCB database

PCBdB* Forum : PCBdB made an update!?

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15:50 2007/09/08
PCBdB made an update!?  [ Replys: 4 ]
When can we add new PCBs?
I have a stock of MVSs!!!!

4. 2007/09/30
and the tease continue,
Now with Pinout
PCBdB Office

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3. 2007/09/18
Ah, what a tease!
You're not your f*cking khakis.
2. 2007/09/09

Not yet,,, please try again later!
PCBdB* Office.
Join us today,

A iZ Group project
1. 2007/09/08
Yes, now have we done an update,,, and your question is, WHERE?
Well, to start with have we reconstructed our Index Database, and cut down on non needed codes to 50%, should make our server work faster and make this homepage a little bit faster...!!

Thanks to this updates, our "ADD PCB" systems security problems that we had before have been solved, So from now on should all members be able to add new PCBs to our Index..

Also, our DIP database and Pinout database should be connected and working without any porblems!!

Well, if you dont see any changes, please try later today..

PCBdB* Office
PCBdB Office

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. 2007/09/08